The Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH) has partnered with the Division of Health Benefits to establish a pilot initiative for communication access services for…
Celebrating Olmstead:
It’s Time for 14(c) Phase-Out: Lessons Learned from Advancing Legislation & Leaving the Shop
The AoD Disability Employment TA Center’s fourth National Community of Practice (CoP) webinar, “Celebrating…
Take care of yourselves and each other during this public health crisis by practicing good mental hygiene.
Some tips sent to us from the Mental Health Association in Forsyth County…
[Image Description: Six different kinds of makeup brushes are arrayed in a fan, bristles pointing downward. They all have black handles and black ferrules, except for the brush on the…
Share your voting experience with Disability Rights NC!
After you vote and leave the polling site, call: 888-WEVOTE2. (That’s 888-938-6832.)
We want to hear from you during early voting: February…
Setting goals can make a difference in our lives and we all have goals, even if we do not recognize them.
The secret to success, whether large or small challenges,…
As the newest member of Solutions for Independence I am being exposed to new methods of advocacy. My background has various components just like yours in many ways. Living with…
As an Independent Living Specialist at Solutions for Independence, I have had the pleasure of transitioning someone from a nursing home to their own home. I feel it is important…