Person in wheelchair moving down hallway of office

Celebrating Olmstead


Celebrating Olmstead:
It’s Time for 14(c) Phase-Out: Lessons Learned from Advancing Legislation & Leaving the Shop

The AoD Disability Employment TA Center’s fourth National Community of Practice (CoP) webinar, “Celebrating Olmstead: It’s Time for 14(c) Phase-Out: Lessons Learned from Advancing Legislation & Leaving the Shop“, will be hosted on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, from 3:00-4:30 P.M. Eastern Time.

This webinar will focus on celebrating Olmstead by helping attendees understand the history of civil rights for people with disabilities. Additionally, we will highlight the successful model of the Washington State Council on Developmental Disabilities that recently worked with stakeholders to pass legislation to permanently phase out 14(c) and sheltered work in the state. Additionally, participants will hear about the remarkable journey from self-advocates in Washington State, Maryland, and Rhode Island who transitioned out of sheltered workshops into competitive, integrated employment and meaningful community-based day activities.

In addition, we would like to announce that there will be Office Hours on June 11, 2011, from 12:00-1:30 PM Eastern Time (Stay tuned for a Zoom Link coming soon).


  • Steven J. Schwartz, Legal Director
    Center for Public Representation, Northampton, MA
  • Jeremy Norden-Paul, Executive Director
    Washington State Council on Developmental Disabilities
  • Courtney Williams, Director
    Community Employment Alliance
  • Ivanova Smith, Activist & Faculty Member
    The University of Washington
  • John Lemus, Self-Advocate & Advocacy Coordinator
    At Work!, WA State
  • Sunny Cefaratti, Self-Advocate & Co-Founder
    The Musical Autist, Annapolis, MD
  • Steve Porcelli, Self-Advocate
    Rhode Island

Registration is required. Please register for this webinar here.

We look forward to your participation!

Register for the Webinar