House Call Counseling – DBT Skills Group Series

Solutions For Independence 7744 N Point Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Join House Call Counseling for an In-Person DBT skills group Series. This is an 8 week long event from February 1st- April 19th that meets on Wednesdays at 5PM and is hosted by clinical interns, Bryanna and Leigha from House Call Counseling. DBT is Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a four part…


Unmet: North Carolina’s Two Developmental Disability Crises

University of North Carolina School of the Arts 1533 South Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

You are invited to the premiere of UNMET: North Carolina's Two Developmental Disability Crises This film will take place on Thursday, March 9th at 7 PM at the UNCSA School of Filmmaking. What does it mean for a young man with autism to age out of high school without support because he is on North…


House Call Counseling – DBT Skills Group Series

Solutions For Independence 7744 N Point Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Join House Call Counseling for an In-Person DBT skills group Series. This is an 8 week long event from February 1st- April 19th that meets on Wednesdays at 5PM and is hosted by clinical interns, Bryanna and Leigha from House Call Counseling. DBT is Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a four part…


Thunderbirds Sled Hockey Exhibition during Triad Hockey Night!

Winston Salem Fairgrounds Annex 414 Deacon Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Come see your local Winston Salem Thunderbirds Sled Hockey team perform an exhibition match at Half time of the Thunderbirds Game! Puck drop is 735PM for the game! For More Information click here! We hope to see you there!!


House Call Counseling – DBT Skills Group Series

Solutions For Independence 7744 N Point Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Join House Call Counseling for an In-Person DBT skills group Series. This is an 8 week long event from February 1st- April 19th that meets on Wednesdays at 5PM and is hosted by clinical interns, Bryanna and Leigha from House Call Counseling. DBT is Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a four part…


Adaptive Recreation & Gaming EXPO

JDL Fast Track 2505 Empire Drive, Winston Salem, NC, United States

This event is sponsored by Solutions For Independence & North Carolina Assistive Technology Program Join us at JDL Fast Track for an adaptive recreation & sports event that will feature adaptive gaming. Try Adaptive sports such as cycling, tennis, archery, kayaking along with Specialty vendors for adaptive gaming. Professionals will be on hand to assist…


House Call Counseling – DBT Skills Group Series

Solutions For Independence 7744 N Point Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Join House Call Counseling for an In-Person DBT skills group Series. This is an 8 week long event from February 1st- April 19th that meets on Wednesdays at 5PM and is hosted by clinical interns, Bryanna and Leigha from House Call Counseling. DBT is Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a four part…


House Call Counseling – DBT Skills Group Series

Solutions For Independence 7744 N Point Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Join House Call Counseling for an In-Person DBT skills group Series. This is an 8 week long event from February 1st- April 19th that meets on Wednesdays at 5PM and is hosted by clinical interns, Bryanna and Leigha from House Call Counseling. DBT is Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a four part…


Wheelchair Basketball @ Hanes Hosiery Community Center

Hanes Hosiery Community Center 501 Reynolds Blvd, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States

Calling all Basketball Players! Join the Triad Trackers Wheelchair Basketball Team, Solutions For Independence & WS Recreation & Parks for Wheelchair Basketball! Learn basketball skills with Jackie Jones & Travis Evans from the Triad Trackers Wheelchair Basketball Team while interacting with your peers with disabilities.  Improve your basketball game while you learn life skills such…


House Call Counseling – DBT Skills Group Series

Solutions For Independence 7744 N Point Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Join House Call Counseling for an In-Person DBT skills group Series. This is an 8 week long event from February 1st- April 19th that meets on Wednesdays at 5PM and is hosted by clinical interns, Bryanna and Leigha from House Call Counseling. DBT is Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a four part…


Wheelchair Basketball @ Hanes Hosiery Community Center

Hanes Hosiery Community Center 501 Reynolds Blvd, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States

Calling all Basketball Players! Join the Triad Trackers Wheelchair Basketball Team, Solutions For Independence & WS Recreation & Parks for Wheelchair Basketball! Learn basketball skills with Jackie Jones & Travis Evans from the Triad Trackers Wheelchair Basketball Team while interacting with your peers with disabilities.  Improve your basketball game while you learn life skills such…


House Call Counseling – DBT Skills Group Series

Solutions For Independence 7744 N Point Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Join House Call Counseling for an In-Person DBT skills group Series. This is an 8 week long event from February 1st- April 19th that meets on Wednesdays at 5PM and is hosted by clinical interns, Bryanna and Leigha from House Call Counseling. DBT is Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a four part…