Giving Back to the Community
Earlier this year, a community member approached the Solutions for Independence (SICIL) Enhanced Bridge Housing (EBH) team with a strong desire to give back and make a positive impact in their local community. They expressed how getting involved had transformed their life for the better and were eager to explore opportunities to volunteer. With the unwavering support of their EBH team, the community member embarked on a journey to find volunteer opportunities aligned with their passions and capabilities.
After doing some research and talking it over with the EBH team, the community member found two great ways to volunteer: helping out at a soup kitchen ran by Samaritan Ministries and joining in an event called the Adaptive Recreation and Healthy Living EXPO put on by SICIL.
Excited and feeling like they had a purpose, the community member signed up for both events. They were looking forward to giving their time, skills, and energy to help out with things they cared about. These small steps were just the beginning of their journey to being more involved in their community and feeling happier.
Working at the soup kitchen meant the community member could directly help people who needed food and comfort. And being part of the Adaptive Recreation and Healthy Living EXPO, not only encouraged being inclusive and healthy, but also helped them connect with others in their community.
This community member’s story shows us how being part of a community can really change things. By getting involved in projects that help others and bring people together, they not only make life better for everyone but also find a sense of belonging and meaning.