Young lady sits on a sofa looking at her phone. A cat sits on the armrest. Her legs are outstretched resting on a wheelchair.

Eligibility requirements: The person must meet all the below eligibility requirements. 

  • 18 years of age or older 
  • Homeless 
  • Consumer of SICILNC 
  • High risk to contract COVID-19 (doctor’s note will be required) 
  • Low income (AMI will be used to determine eligibility based on income) 

Other Housing Program

Mainstream Voucher

The Mainstream Voucher is to assist non-elderly people with disabilities who are homeless and in need of rental assistance.

Eligibility requirements: The person must meet all the below eligibility requirements.

  • Homeless
  • Consumer of Solutions for Independence
  • Low income


Targeting Program

The Targeting Program is a partnership between NC Housing Finance Agency and NC Department of Health and Human Services to provide access to affordable housing for people with disabilities and/or experiencing homelessness with very low incomes. Properties developed using the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) are required to participate in the Targeting Program. This means that LIHTC properties must set aside between 10 percent and 20 percent of their units and make them available for eligible participants.