Winston-Salem Mayor’s Council for Persons with Disabilities 2022 Awards Celebration
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Join the WSMCPD for an evening of celebration!
The WSMCPD is celebrating its 75th year! In celebration of this momentous occasion and in celebration of national Disability Employment Awareness Month, we will hold our annual award celebration to recognize individuals, businesses and organizations for their contributions on behalf of persons with disabilities. The celebration will be held on October 17th from 4:30PM- 6:00PM at The Enrichment Center, 1006 South Marshall Street, Winston- Salem, NC 27101.
Ali Ingersoll, Ms. Wheelchair America 2023, will be the keynote speaker. Ms. Ingersoll is a day trader, disability strategy consultant for Open Inclusion, writer and public speaker. Ms. Ingersoll’s passion lies in coaching people with disabilities on how to improve their quality of life by teaching them to self-advocate in order to live a life of independence, dignity and grace. She believes it’s important to band together as one in order to affect the general change on the national stage and in local communities.
Refreshments will follow the awards ceremony.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors:
The Enrichment Center The Winston-Salem Jaycees
https://www.enrichmentarc.org/ https://www.wsjaycees.org/
We invite you to support WSMCPD and our awards celebration by becoming a sponsor! Please email wsmcpd@gmail.com for more information regarding becoming a sponsor.
Please click on the link below to RSVP for October 14th.
Nominate for an Award:
Please click on the link below to complete a nomination form. Please submit nominations by September 27th.